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If you want something more out of life,
but aren’t sure what it is…
If you’ve tried to make changes in the past,
without success… if you have a specific goal,
but don’t know how to achieve it…
here is some incredible news:
you CAN get anything you seriously want.
The realization of a goal is not a complicated process. in fact, it’s a simple matter of
cause and effect. as straightforward, consistent and reliable as 2+2=4.
The problem is, most of us approach goals in entirely the wrong way.
we focus on changing behaviors and habits in order to change results — a slow and
potentially painful way to reach what will at best be a temporary solution.
“The law of cause and effect is the law of laws.” ralph waldo emerson
If you really want to make a change in your life, you need to go deeper. if you want
different results, you need to ignite change at the level where your results are created
in the first place. you need to change your mind.
when you do that, achieving your goal becomes not merely “possible” or “probable”…
It becomes INEVITABLE.
Be more. Do more. Have more.
Starting today.
Thinking into Results is a one-of-a-kind system based on over 75 years of intensive research into the science and mechanics of personal achievement: what really makes successful people successful.
developed by world-renowned success expert bob proctor and legendary corporate attorney sandy gallagher, it is the most powerful process EVER created for quickly and permanently transforming ANY goal, dream, or desire into reality.
This highly-structured, step-by-step process will empower you to:
3 Clarify your goal with absolute precision
a weak goal generates weak results. a goal you
haven’t thought through (or worse, aren’t aware
of) could deliver exactly what you don’t want.
but a worthy goal, joyfully formed and articulately
expressed, is the first and most critical step toward
creating the results you want.
3 Install your goal at the deepest levels of your mind
every outcome you experience in your life, good and bad, is the direct result of your thoughts – those you’re conscious of and, more importantly, those you aren’t. align your conscious and subconscious mind in service of your worthy goal, and it will materialize with amazing speed.
3 Harmonize your goal with the natural laws of the universe
The universe is alive with forces designed to deliver to you whatever you truly desire. harmonize your clearly, fully aligned goal with the natural flow of these forces, then prepare yourself for an influx of opportunity and abundance unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Thinking into Results
A 24-week process for radical personal transformation
Thinking into Results is a comprehensive consultant-guided home study program designed to facilitate positive, profound, permanent change in any area of your life, including:
- •Debt elimination • A new home
- Job promotion • Wealth creation
- Weight release • Improved health
- A better marriage • Or ANY GOAL YOU CHOOSE!
used by individuals, teams, and corporations all over the world, there is NO outcome which this system has not been able to deliver.
what makes Thinking into Results so extraordinarily effective?
• Immediate impact
you won’t have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable system to kick in. because it engages your mind at both the conscious and subconscious level, your mind will start absorbing and responding to this information as soon as it receives it. in fact, you will experience a quantum leap in your results from the FIRST MOMENT you begin this program.
• Strategic repetition
The impact of each individual phase in the Thinking into Results process is maximized via the power of repetition — the first and most important law of learning — which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and abundance.
• Lifelong application
with each new goal you realize, you’ll find yourself aspiring to ever-higher levels of achievement and fulfillment. your desire to be, do, and have more never should and never will diminish — and neither will the power of this system. with it, you will permanently possess the power to get ANYTHING you truly want, in any area of your life, for the rest of your life.
“Using the principles of this program,
I have accomplished goals I wouldn’t have
dreamed possible. Be prepared for a
life-altering experience!
dan vick, business owner
In-depth individual lessons focus intensively on a
single essential element of the achievement process, with each
lesson building upon the insights of the last.
Worksheets and activities challenge you to
immediately apply what you learn, so you see and feel yourself
changing, progressing, and moving closer to your goal in
real time.
Dynamic DVDs viewed twice a day, morning and evening, motivate you and reinforce
the lesson content at multiple levels of consciousness — a critical key to achieving change
quickly and making it permanent.
Live coaching/consulting sessions, 60-90 minutes each week, give you the support, encouragement, answers, and expert guidance you need to keep moving forward on your journey to achievement.
“The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building spaceships that will travel to the moon, and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.”
dr. wernher von braun
“Tell me what you want, and I’ll show you how to get it.”
bob proctor
or more than 50 years, Bob Proctor has been making good on that extraordinary
promise F— empowering millions of people around the world with knowledge and
tools to clarify their most compelling goals, tap their inherent greatness, and fulfill their
magnificent potential. one of the living masters of The law of attraction and a contributor
to The secret, bob’s own story of rags-to-riches success via the power of thought is an
ongoing testament to the effectiveness of his teachings.
when bob met legendary corporate attorney and esteemed executive consultant
Sandy Gallagher, he knew he had discovered the perfect partner to bring forth something
truly groundbreaking in the arena of personal and professional development. combining
his formidable research and experience with her 25 years of expertise in the worlds of
billion-dollar business transactions and elite academia, bob and sandy have, in
Thinking into Results, created a comprehensive systematic approach to real
transformation unlike any other.
Where could you be in 24 weeks from now?
The answer will astonish you.
Thomas edison said, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.”
whether you know exactly what you want to achieve, or simply know that you want something more than what you currently have, Thinking into Results will open your mind to all you are capable of doing… then empower you to do it.
“Successful people make decisions
very fast and change them very slow,
if and when they change them at all.
napoleon hill
Decide right now to astonish yourself. with what you can become. what you can do. what you can have. start Thinking into Results, and start moving from where you are in life to where you really wanT to be.
24 weeks will fly by before you know it. but the change you’ll experience
will last forever.
You’ll discover:
- •The 3 Types of goals, and which one is the only one worth pursuing
- •The one Thing you should never consider when establishing a goal
- •how To mulTiply your effectiveness with virtually no effort at all
- •The underraTed habiT that will bring you a bigger payoff than any other
- •a shockingly simple way to instantly supercharge your productivity
- •The hidden mechanism that determines what comes into your life and how to take control of it once and for all
- •4 easy sTeps for avoiding the #1 threat to your success
- •and so much more
To find out how you can start Thinking into Results, call now: